“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.”

“Betrayal can only happen if you love someone enough to be hurt by them.”

“Trust is like a mirror, once it’s broken, you can still put it back together but the cracks will always remain.”

“It’s hard to trust someone when you’ve been deceived by the one person you trusted the most.”

“Actions speak louder than words, and your actions have shown me that I can’t trust you anymore.”

“Trust is earned, and once it’s lost, it’s nearly impossible to regain.”

“Trust is fragile, handle with care.”

“You can’t keep betraying someone and expect them to still trust you.”

“Broken trust can never be fully repaired, no matter how hard you try.”

“Once trust is broken, all promises become suspect.”

“I used to trust you blindly, but now I see things clearly.”

“You showed me your true colors, and I can no longer trust in your intentions.”

“Trust is the foundation of any relationship, and you’ve destroyed that foundation.”

“I can’t trust someone who lies to my face without hesitation.”

“Your actions have proven that your words mean nothing, and trust can’t survive on empty promises.” BEGINNING OF NEW RELATIONSHIP QUOTES

“Trust should be your gift to someone, not their vulnerability.”

“You may apologize, but apologies can’t magically restore trust.”

“I can’t trust someone who chooses to betray me over and over again.”

“Trust is like a paper, once it’s crumpled, it can never be perfect again.”

“I can’t trust your words when your actions contradict them.”

“Trust is broken when loyalty is replaced with lies.”

“To rebuild trust, you have to prove through consistent actions that you are trustworthy.”

“I can’t trust someone who disregards my feelings without a second thought.”

“Trust is a precious thing, and once it’s shattered, it’s irreparable.”

“You’ve shown me that trust is a privilege, not a given.”

“Once trust is broken, doubt takes its place.”

“You may have been a part of my past, but you can’t be a part of my future if I can’t trust you.”

“Trust doesn’t come with an expiration date, but it can be taken away in an instant.”