“I don’t care about you or anything you have to say.”

“You’re a waste of my time and energy.”

“I can’t stand being around you.”

“You’re nothing but a nuisance to me.”

“I find no value or worth in you.”

“I don’t like anything about you.”

“I wish I could erase you from my life.”

“You bring nothing but negativity into my world.”

“I have no interest in getting to know you.”

“You’re just another face in the crowd that I’d rather forget.”

“Your presence annoys me to no end.”

“I can’t pretend to like you even for a moment.”

“You’re not worth my kindness or respect.” QUOTES FOR THURSDAY MOTIVATION

“You’re just a constant reminder of everything I dislike.”

“I don’t want anything to do with you.”

“I can’t find a single reason to like you.”

“You’re the last person I would ever choose to be around.”

“You’re a complete disappointment in every way.”

“I don’t think of you as a friend or an acquaintance.”

“I can’t imagine ever liking you.”

“You’re absolutely repulsive to me.”

“I would rather be alone than be around you.”

“I can’t stand the sight of your face.”

“You’re just another person I can’t stand.”

“I don’t even want to acknowledge your existence.”