“I’d like a bandage for my wounded pride, please.” – Unknown

“Insult me once, shame on you. Insult me twice, shame on me.” – Unknown

“It’s amazing how someone can insult you and then say ‘just kidding’ as if it erases all the damage done.” – Unknown

“Your insult reveals more about you than it does about me.” – Unknown

“I may not be perfect, but at least I don’t insult others to make myself feel better.” – Unknown

“When someone insults you, don’t let their words define you. Let your actions speak instead.” – Unknown

“Insults don’t define me, they reveal the insecurities of the person hurling them.” – Unknown

“If someone insults you, remember that it says more about them than it does about you.” – Unknown

“An insult is like a boomerang – it will eventually come back to the person who throws it.” – Unknown

“I refuse to engage in insulting behavior. I am better than that.” – Unknown

“The best response to an insult is silence. Let their words fall on deaf ears.” – Unknown

“I won’t stoop down to your level of insults. I choose to rise above it all.” – Unknown

“Insults are the refuge of the weak and insecure.” – Unknown FUNNY GUITARIST QUOTES

“I’m not insulted by what you say about me, I’m bored by it. Find something original to talk about.” – Unknown

“An insult is only powerful if you let it affect you. Rise above it, and it loses all its power.” – Unknown

“If you think insulting me makes you look cool, think again. It only shows your lack of character.” – Unknown

“Instead of getting hurt by insults, use them as fuel to prove your critics wrong.” – Unknown

“Your insults may sting for a moment, but my self-worth is unaffected by your words.” – Unknown

“I don’t need your approval or validation, so your insults mean nothing to me.” – Unknown

“Insults are like mosquitoes – annoying, but ultimately harmless.” – Unknown

“The best way to deal with insults is to smile and let them roll off your back.” – Unknown

“You resort to insults because you lack the intelligence to engage in meaningful conversation.” – Unknown

“If you try to insult me, consider yourself unsuccessful. I am unshakable.” – Unknown

“Your insults are like empty vessels – making a lot of noise, but containing nothing of value.” – Unknown

“I’m not insulted by your opinion of me because I know my worth and it’s far higher than what you perceive.” – Unknown