“Sadness flies away on the wings of time.” – Jean de La Fontaine

“The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow.” – Unknown

“Tears come from the heart and not from the brain.” – Leonardo da Vinci

“Sadness is but a wall between two gardens.” – Khalil Gibran

“The depth of sadness is the measure of happiness we can experience.” – Matt Haig

“Tears are words that need to be written.” – Paulo Coelho

“Sadness is just another word for breaking open.” – Jodi Picoult

“The greatest happiness is to know the source of unhappiness.” – Fyodor Dostoevsky

“Every human walks around with a certain kind of sadness in them. They may not wear it on their sleeves, but it’s there if you look deep.” – Taraji P. Henson

“The only cure for grief is to grieve.” – Earl Grollman

“Sadness is a natural emotion, just like happiness. Don’t try to resist it, embrace it and allow yourself to heal.” – Unknown BEST QUOTE ABOUT MARRIED COUPLES

“The way sadness works is one of the strange riddles of the world. If you are stricken with a great sadness, you may feel as if you have been set aflame, not only because of the enormous pain but also because your sadness may spread over your life, like smoke from an enormous fire.” – Lemony Snicket

“Sadness is a gift. Without it, we can’t appreciate the true meaning of happiness.” – Unknown

“Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth.” – Osho

“Even a happy life cannot be without moments of sadness and woe. It’s never too late or too soon. It is what it is. Let go, breathe, and begin again.” – Unknown

“Sadness does not last forever when we walk in the direction of our purpose.” – Unknown

“Life is a series of highs and lows. And sometimes, the lows can be overwhelming. But remember, the darkness only lasts for a night, and joy comes in the morning.” – Unknown

“Sadness gives depth to your emotions. It enables you to appreciate the light even more and understand the importance of happiness.” – Unknown

“Don’t let your sadness define you. Let your strength and resilience prove that you can overcome anything.” – Unknown

“Sadness is a temporary visitor, let it come and go. It’s a part of life, but it’s not your whole life.” – Unknown

“Don’t be afraid to show your sadness. It’s a sign of strength to embrace your true emotions and allow yourself to heal.” – Unknown