“You took advantage of my kindness and used me for your own benefit.”

“I was just a pawn in your game of manipulation.”

“You made me feel like I was nothing more than a convenience to you.”

“I was there for you whenever you needed me, but you only used me when it was convenient for you.”

“You made empty promises and used my trust to get what you wanted.”

“I was naive to believe your lies and let you use me.”

“I feel like a puppet in your hands, constantly manipulated and used for your own gain.”

“You never truly cared about me, you just used me to fill a void in your life.”

“I was blinded by love and you took advantage of that vulnerability.”

“You used my love as a weapon against me, manipulating me into doing things I didn’t want to do.”

“Every time I think of you, I just feel used and taken advantage of.”

“I was a means to an end for you, and it’s left me feeling empty and used.”

“You played with my emotions, making me believe it was real when all you wanted was to use me.” GOOD DAY WITH FRIENDS QUOTES

“I gave you everything, and all you did was use me for your personal gain.”

“I trusted you completely, and you abused that trust by using me.”

“I feel like I was just a stepping stone in your life, someone you used until someone better came along.”

“You used my vulnerability as a weapon, taking advantage of my weaknesses.”

“I deserve better than being used as a disposable tool in your life.”

“You made me feel like I was nothing more than an object for your satisfaction.”

“I will never let someone use me like that ever again.”

“I refuse to be used and manipulated by someone who doesn’t truly care about me.”

“You used my love as a tool to feed your ego, and it’s left me feeling used and discarded.”

“I may have been a fool for trusting you, but I will not let you continue to use me.”

“I’m done being your doormat, someone you can just walk over and use whenever it suits you.”