“I never planned on falling in love with you, but I’m so glad I did.”

“You make my heart smile more than I ever imagined.”

“You’ve become so essential to me, more than I ever expected.”

“Loving you more than I thought possible was the greatest surprise of my life.”

“I never planned on someone like you coming into my life and stealing my heart.”

“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, even if I didn’t plan on it.”

“You’ve exceeded all my expectations and made me love you more than I ever planned.”

“You’ve taken an unexpected hold on my heart, and I’m so grateful for it.”

“Loving you has taught me that sometimes the best things in life happen unexpectedly.”

“I didn’t plan on falling for you, but every day I’m grateful for it.”

“I never anticipated loving you as much as I do, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“You’ve shown me that love knows no boundaries, even when it wasn’t part of my plan.”

“You’ve surpassed all the love I imagined, and I’m forever thankful for it.”

“I like you more than I ever planned, and it’s the most beautiful surprise.”

“You’ve taught me that love has no limits and can’t be confined to any plan.” FAMILY AND TRUE FRIENDS QUOTES

“You’re my unexpected love story, and I cherish every moment.”

“I’m grateful for the unplanned love that brought you into my life.”

“You’ve shown me that sometimes the best things come from the unplanned moments.”

“You’ve become my favorite surprise, and I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

“Loving you was never part of the plan, but it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.”

“You’ve turned my life upside down in the best way possible, and I never saw it coming.”

“Taking the risk to love you more than I planned was the best choice I ever made.”

“I never envisioned someone like you being in my life, but I’m so glad you are.”

“You’ve shown me that love can’t be contained or planned, it just happens.”

“You’ve become my unexpected happiness, and I cherish every moment with you.”

“Loving you more than I anticipated is one of the most beautiful surprises of my life.”

“You’re my unplanned love, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.”

“Sometimes, the best things in life are the ones that come as a pleasant surprise.”

“I never planned on loving you this much, but now I can’t imagine my life without you.”