“Every day without you is a reminder of how much I miss you.”

“I long for the day when I can hold you in my arms again.”

“Distance may be keeping us apart, but my love for you grows stronger every day.”

“You’re the first and last thing on my mind every day. I miss you so much.”

“The nights are the hardest, as I lay here longing for your comforting presence.”

“Being without you feels like a part of me is missing.”

“I can’t wait for the day when we’re no longer apart, and I can see your smiling face again.”

“I cherish every moment we’ve spent together, and I miss making new memories with you.”

“No matter how far apart we are, you’re always in my heart.”

“Distance means so little when someone means so much. I miss you dearly.”

“The emptiness in my chest reminds me of how much I miss you.”

“Seeing you on video calls just makes me miss you more, as it’s a constant reminder of what I’m missing out on.”

“I never knew missing someone could hurt this much.”

“Although we’re apart, I take solace in the fact that you’re always with me in spirit.”

“My heart aches for your touch, for your presence by my side.” REGRET TURN BACK TIME QUOTES

“Time seems to move so slowly without you.”

“I can’t help but replay our memories over and over in my mind, wishing you were here with me.”

“Distance may test our love, but nothing can diminish it. I miss you deeply.”

“You’re the missing piece in the puzzle of my life. Without you, it feels incomplete.”

“I count down the days until we can be reunited and create new memories together.”

“The loneliness is unbearable without you here with me.”

“I can’t wait to feel your warm embrace once again. I miss you, my love.”

“Being apart from you makes me appreciate all the little things we shared even more.”

“You’re the light in the dark, and without you, everything feels a little dimmer.”

“It’s hard to explain the feeling of missing someone who has become such an integral part of your life.”

“You’re constantly on my mind. I miss you more than words can express.”

“Our love knows no distance, but the longing for your presence is still there.”

“Missing you is a constant ache that never fades away.”

“I yearn for the day when we can finally be together, and this longing will turn into happiness.”