“If I had a dollar for every time I’ve thought of you, I’d be rich. And you’d still be in my thoughts.”

“I miss you like a headache… painful and never-ending.”

“Who needs you when I have all this empty space to think about you?”

“I’m so glad you’re not here, I miss your absence.”

“I miss you like a dentist appointment… it’s not pleasant, but I know it’s necessary.”

“Your absence has made me realize how much I can accomplish without your distractions.”

“I miss you like a mosquito bite… annoying and itchy.”

“It’s amazing how much more productive I am when I’m missing you.”

“I think of you as often as I think about getting a root canal… which is not very often, and never by choice.”

“Missing you is like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces… frustrating and pointless.”

“I’m counting down the days until I can forget how much I miss you.”

“Missing you is like a bad hair day… I can’t wait for it to be over.”

“You left, but your absence hasn’t left me… I miss you sarcastically.”

“I miss you like a dose of medicine… I know it’s good for me, but I still hate it.”

“I didn’t realize how much I could enjoy silence until you were gone.” SAD QUOTES ABOUT DEPRESSION

“I’m sorry, I can’t come to the phone right now. I’m too busy missing you sarcastically.”

“My life was so empty before you left… actually, it’s still empty, but with a hint of sarcasm now.”

“Missing you is like missing a toothbrush… it’s annoying, but I can always find a replacement.”

“I never knew silence could be so loud, until you went away.”

“I miss you like I miss a hole in my sock… a constant annoyance, but oh well.”

“I’m not saying I miss you, but I definitely don’t miss not missing you.”

“My calendar is filled with sarcastic reminders of how much I’m missing you.”

“I miss you like a toothache… it hurts, but I can’t do anything about it.”

“I didn’t know I could experience withdrawals without any substance until you left.”

“I don’t miss you, I just have a severe condition of you on my mind.”

“Missing you is like missing a headache… it’s painful, but I can survive without it.”

“My lack of enthusiasm for life is directly proportional to how much I miss you.”

“Who needs someone constantly asking ‘How was your day?’ when I can just miss you sarcastically?”