“I need a vacation so long, even my vacation needs a vacation!”

“If vacationing was a job, I would never retire!”

“Vacations: when you don’t know what day it is, but you don’t care!”

“My boss said I need a vacation. So, I’m just following orders!”

“I need a vacation like a fish needs water – desperately!”

“Vacation mode: on. Brain function: off!”

“Time to quit my job and become a professional vacationer!”

“I need a vacation to escape from my vacation planning stress!”

“My sense of wanderlust needs a full recharge!”

“If work was so great, we wouldn’t need vacations!”

“My idea of a perfect vacation is one without Wi-Fi or responsibilities!” BORING IS GOOD QUOTE

“Vacation: the only time it’s acceptable to daydream all day!”

“I’m so tired, even my tired is tired – I definitely need a vacation!”

“I need a vacation to recover from the vacation I just had!”

“I believe in vacations the way some people believe in unicorns – with absolute devotion!”

“Vacation: the only time it’s acceptable to drink before noon!”

“I need a vacation to untangle the knots in my brain and relax!”

“I work hard for vacations that are way too short!”

“Vacation: a period when I pretend to be rich and famous!”

“I need a vacation to remind myself that life is more than just deadlines and stress!”