“I never meant to break your heart, I only wanted to love you.”

“I didn’t mean to hurt you, I wish I could take back every tear you shed.”

“My apologies for the pain I caused, I never intended to shatter your heart.”

“I never wanted to be the one who made you cry, I’m so sorry for the pain I caused.”

“I never meant to leave you broken, I wish I could mend every piece of your heart.”

“If only I could rewind time and undo the damage, I would never have hurt you.”

“I never wanted to be the reason behind your tears, please forgive my mistakes.”

“My heart aches knowing I broke yours, I didn’t mean for things to end this way.”

“I never meant to cause you so much pain, I’m truly sorry for breaking your heart.”

“If I could change the past, I would never have caused you the pain you feel.”

“I never intended to be the one who shattered your dreams, please forgive my actions.” QUOTES ABOUT ANDY WARHOL

“I didn’t realize the magnitude of my mistakes and how deeply they would hurt you.”

“I never meant to crush your soul, I’m filled with regret for my actions.”

“I didn’t understand the consequences of my choices, I never meant to break you.”

“I wish I could rewind time and stop myself from causing you this heartbreak.”

“I never wanted to be the cause of your tears, I’m truly sorry for my thoughtlessness.”

“My intentions were never to break you, I’m sorry for the pain I’ve inflicted.”

“I didn’t think my actions through, I never meant to break your trust and heart.”

“I never intended to hurt you, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

“I never meant to bring you this anguish, my heart aches for the pain I caused.”

“I am deeply sorry for breaking your heart, I never wanted to be the source of your pain.”