“I promise to always be there for you, no matter what.”

“I will always support you and encourage you to chase your dreams.”

“I promise to listen to you with an open heart and mind.”

“I will do everything in my power to make you happy.”

“You can always count on me to lend a helping hand.”

“I promise to be honest and transparent in our relationship.”

“I will love and cherish you, every single day.”

“I promise to be your rock, your shoulder to lean on.”

“You are my top priority and I will always prioritize your needs.”

“I’ll be your biggest fan and cheer you on in everything you do.”

“I promise to learn and grow with you.”

“I will always be grateful for having you in my life.” KILL FEELINGS QUOTES

“I vow to keep our love and relationship strong.”

“I promise to apologize when I’m wrong and work on being a better person for you.”

“You can trust me wholeheartedly, always.”

“I won’t give up on us, no matter how tough things get.”

“I promise to celebrate your successes and be there through your failures.”

“I will always strive to make you feel loved and appreciated.”

“I promise to never stop trying to make you smile.”

“I will be your partner, your confidant, and your best friend.”

“I promise to create a safe and secure environment for us.”

“You are my forever and I promise to cherish and adore you until the end.”