“Friendship is not about being there when it’s convenient; it’s about being there when it’s not.” – Anonymous

“I may not be able to fix all your problems, but I promise you won’t have to face them alone.” – Unknown

“No matter how far apart we may be, I’ll always be standing by your side.” – Unknown

“A true friend is someone who always supports you and is there for you, even when the world turns its back on you.” – Unknown

“In good times and bad, you can always count on me to be there by your side.” – Unknown

“Friends are like stars; you might not always see them, but you know they’re always there.” – Unknown

“I’ll always be there to pick you up when life knocks you down.” – Unknown

“Having someone like you as a friend means I always have a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen.” – Unknown

“When you feel like giving up, remember that I’ll always believe in you and be there to support you.” – Unknown

“A true friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” – Walter Winchell

“You don’t have to ask for my help, I’ll always be there ready to lend a hand.” – Unknown LOVE QUOTES TO SAY GOOD NIGHT

“Friendship isn’t about whom you’ve known the longest, it’s about who came and never left your side.” – Unknown

“True friends are like family; they’re always there for you no matter what.” – Unknown

“Through thick and thin, I’ll always be there to stand by your side.” – Unknown

“In the journey of life, I’ll always be your companion, cheering you on and laughing with you along the way.” – Unknown

“A true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes even when you’re smiling, and will always be there to wipe your tears away.” – Unknown

“I’ll always be your sounding board, someone to share both the happy and the not-so-happy moments with.” – Unknown

“Friendship means being there for each other, no matter what time of day or night.” – Unknown

“When life gets tough, you can count on me to be there to help carry your burdens.” – Unknown

“I’ll always be there for you, my friend, ready to offer a comforting hug or a listening ear.” – Unknown

“Friends come and go, but I promise to always be there for you, my dear friend.” – Unknown