“I will always care about you, no matter what happens.”

“You have left a mark on my heart, and I will always care for you.”

“Even if years pass, my care for you will remain constant.”

“Your happiness will always matter to me.”

“You are never alone, because I will always care about you.”

“Through thick and thin, my care for you will endure.”

“My concern for you will never fade away.”

“No matter the distance, my care for you knows no bounds.”

“Your well-being is always on my mind.”

“I will forever cherish our bond, and my care for you will always be there.”

“I will always be here to support you, because you matter to me.”

“You are an important part of my life, and I will always care about you.” GRU BEST QUOTES

“No matter how much time passes, my care for you remains unwavering.”

“Your happiness and success will always bring me joy.”

“My care for you is unconditional, it will never cease.”

“You can always count on me to be there for you, because I care.”

“Your feelings are important to me, and I will always care.”

“I will always be your biggest cheerleader and supporter.”

“My care for you is not a temporary feeling, it is a lifelong commitment.”

“Your presence in my life is a gift, and I will always care about you.”

“No matter where life takes us, my care for you will remain constant.”

“I will always hold you close to my heart, and my care for you will stay forever.”