“I would give my life to protect you.”

“I would willingly sacrifice myself if it meant your safety.”

“I cannot imagine a world without you in it.”

“Your life is more precious to me than my own.”

“I would lay down my life for you without hesitation.”

“I love you so much that I would die for you.”

“You are worth any sacrifice, even my own life.”

“I would give up everything for you, even my very existence.”

“If it came to it, I would take your place in an instant.”

“You mean everything to me, and I would die to keep you safe.”

“I would face any danger if it meant protecting you.”

“My love for you is so strong that I would die for you without a second thought.”

“I would go to the ends of the Earth to ensure your well-being.” GOD QUOTES WHEN SOMEONE DIES

“I cannot bear the idea of living in a world without you.”

“I would trade my life to spare you any pain or danger.”

“Nothing is more important to me than your life and happiness.”

“I would lay down my own life to see you thrive and flourish.”

“Your safety is my top priority, even if it means giving up my own life.”

“I would give my last breath to save yours.”

“You are my reason for living, and I would die to protect that.”

“In a heartbeat, I would sacrifice myself to prevent any harm from coming to you.”

“Your life is so precious to me that I would do anything to preserve it.”

“I would take on any pain or danger to shield you from harm.”

“I would rather die a thousand deaths than lose you.”