“You may be out of my sight, but you’ll never be out of my mind.” – Unknown

“Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed, and very dear.” – Anonymous

“No matter how far apart we may be, you’ll always be in my heart.” – Unknown

“Distance means so little when someone means so much.” – Unknown

“You may not be here with me, but you are always in my heart.” – Unknown

“Love knows no distance; it exists within a heart, forever.” – Unknown

“Though miles may lie between us, we are never far apart, for friendship doesn’t count miles, it’s measured by the heart.” – Unknown

“Even though time and distance separate us, you are always in my thoughts and close to my heart.” – Unknown

“Memories are the keys to my heart, and as long as I remember you, you’ll always be with me.” – Unknown

“Even though we are apart, your love always remains in my heart.” – Unknown

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller QUOTES ON CHANGING YOURSELF

“The heart remembers everything it has loved.” – Marcia Evanick

“I may not always be physically there, but I will always keep you close in my heart.” – Unknown

“Distance cannot separate us, because you reside in my heart.” – Unknown

“The love we share resides deep within our hearts, no matter the distance.” – Unknown

“Nothing can ever replace the bond we share, for you hold a special place in my heart.” – Unknown

“Our hearts never truly say goodbye; it just takes a moment to accept that they are gone.” – Unknown

“I may not see you, but I still feel you within my heart.” – Unknown

“True love doesn’t mean being inseparable; it means being separated and nothing changes.” – Unknown

“In your absence, my love for you only grows stronger as I keep you close in my heart.” – Unknown

“Distance doesn’t matter in love; what matters is how deeply you hold each other in your heart.” – Unknown