“Pain is temporary, but suffering can be eternal.”

“I will break you down until there’s nothing left but agony.”

“Your suffering will be my masterpiece.”

“You will beg for mercy, but find none.”

“I will haunt your dreams and torment your waking hours.”

“Every action has consequences, and your suffering is the consequence of crossing me.”

“Your pain will be a reminder of your foolishness.”

“I will make your life a living hell, and revel in your suffering.”

“I will take pleasure in your agony and delight in your despair.”

“Your suffering will be my greatest triumph.”

“I will make you regret ever crossing my path.” QUOTES ABOUT FRIEND BREAKUPS

“Your suffering will be the fuel that feeds my vengeance.”

“I will ensure that your suffering is long and excruciating.”

“You will become a mere shell of your former self, consumed by pain.”

“I will make you suffer until your soul is broken beyond repair.”

“Your suffering will be a testament to my power.”

“I will make you feel a pain so intense, you’ll wish for death.”

“You will learn the true meaning of anguish under my wrath.”

“I will strip away everything you hold dear and revel in your despair.”

“Your suffering will be the legacy that I leave behind.”

“I will relish in your suffering, for it is a reminder of my dominance.”