“No matter what happens, I will always be by your side.”

“You are my constant, my everything, and I will never leave you.”

“Even in the darkest of times, I promise to stay with you.”

“You are my home, and I will never abandon you.”

“Together, we can face anything, and I will never give up on us.”

“You are my everything, and I will never leave your side.”

“In this journey of life, I promise to be your support and never leave you.”

“I am here to stay, and I will never walk away from you.”

“Through thick and thin, I will always be here for you.”

“You have my heart, and I will never let it go.”

“You are irreplaceable in my life, and I will always choose you.”

“I promise to always fight for our love and never leave you.”

“You complete me, and I will never abandon you.”

“You are my forever, and I will never leave your side.”

“In this ever-changing world, my love for you remains constant, and I will never leave you.” LOUSY DAY QUOTES

“You are my soulmate, and I will never let you go.”

“Through the highs and lows, I will always be there, never leaving your side.”

“I promise to be your anchor, never drifting away from you.”

“No matter what challenges we face, I will never leave your side.”

“You are my rock, and I will always stand by you.”

“You are the reason for my happiness, and I will never leave you.”

“I promise to be your unwavering support, never abandoning you.”

“In this journey called life, I choose you, and I will never leave your side.”

“I will always choose love over everything else and never leave you.”

“You are the love of my life, and I will always be yours.”

“I promise to be your strength, never leaving your side.”

“You are my forever person, and I will never let you go.”

“Through every obstacle, I will never leave your side because you are worth it.”