“This is my only chance to create a life worth living.” – unknown

“I won’t get a second chance at living this life, so I better make it count.” – unknown

“I will never pass this way again, so I must make every moment matter.” – unknown

“Life is a one-time offer, use it wisely.” – unknown

“Once this journey is over, there is no going back. Make it unforgettable.” – unknown

“My time here is limited, so I must make every step count.” – unknown

“I only have one shot at experiencing this rollercoaster called life, so I’ll enjoy the ride.” – unknown

“I won’t pass this way again, so I better leave footprints worth remembering.” – unknown

“There won’t be another chance to make my mark, so I’ll make it count.” – unknown

“I am on a unique path, and I must embrace every step.” – unknown

“I have one opportunity to live my life to the fullest, and I won’t waste it.” – unknown

“There is no rewind button in life, so I must treasure each passing moment.” – unknown

“I only have one life, and I’ll make it extraordinary.” – unknown

“Once this journey ends, there is no replay button. I’ll make it worth it.” – unknown

“Today is the only guarantee I have, so I’ll make it meaningful.” – unknown WISH I WAS BEAUTIFUL QUOTES

“I will only pass through this chapter once. I’ll make sure it’s a great story.” – unknown

“There won’t be another chance to live this life, so I’ll make the most of it.” – unknown

“Time doesn’t wait for anyone, so I’ll make every moment count.” – unknown

“This is my one opportunity to shine. I won’t let it slip away.” – unknown

“I will only pass through this world once, so I’ll leave a positive impact.” – unknown

“I won’t get a second chance at this, so I’ll give it my all the first time around.” – unknown

“I won’t pass this way again, so I’ll make it the most beautiful journey.” – unknown

“I only have one life, and I’ll make it a masterpiece.” – unknown

“This is my only shot, and I won’t settle for anything less than extraordinary.” – unknown

“I will never pass this way again, so I’ll make sure not to leave any regrets behind.” – unknown

“Life is a one-time ticket to the greatest adventure. I won’t miss out.” – unknown

“I won’t get another chance to create my own story, so I’ll make it legendary.” – unknown

“I will only pass through this world once, so I’ll make it a joyful journey.” – unknown

“I won’t get a second chance at this life, so I’ll make sure to live it fully.” – unknown