“If they truly loved you, they would accept you for who you are.”

“True love is accepting someone’s flaws and imperfections.”

“If they loved you, they would make an effort to understand your feelings.”

“Real love is about supporting each other’s dreams and goals.”

“If they truly loved you, they would prioritize your happiness.”

“True love is not about possessiveness or controlling behavior.”

“If they loved you, they would never make you feel unworthy or unimportant.”

“Real love is about trust, loyalty, and honesty.”

“If they truly loved you, they would be there for you in good times and bad.”

“True love is about compromising and finding solutions together.”

“If they loved you, they would appreciate and value your opinions.”

“Real love is about forgiveness and second chances.”

“If they truly loved you, they would make an effort to communicate and resolve conflicts.”

“True love is selfless and puts the needs of the other person first.”

“If they loved you, they would respect your boundaries.” IF YOU CAN T LOVE YOURSELF RUPAUL QUOTE

“Real love is about growing and improving together.”

“If they truly loved you, they would be proud to show you off to the world.”

“True love is about feeling safe and secure in each other’s arms.”

“If they loved you, they would make time for you no matter how busy they are.”

“Real love is about embracing each other’s quirks and uniqueness.”

“If they truly loved you, they would never intentionally hurt you.”

“True love is about building a life together, not tearing each other down.”

“If they loved you, they would appreciate your love language and make you feel loved in your own way.”

“Real love is about making sacrifices and compromises for each other’s happiness.”

“If they truly loved you, they would make an effort to keep the spark alive in the relationship.”

“True love is about growing old together and cherishing every moment.”

“If they loved you, they would consistently show up and be present in your life.”

“Real love is about enjoying the journey and creating beautiful memories together.”