“If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“When in doubt, it’s best to keep quiet.” – Unknown

“Silence is often golden, especially when you have nothing positive to contribute.” – Unknown

“If your words don’t add value, it’s better to remain silent.” – Unknown

“Words have power. If you don’t have something positive to share, it’s best to hold your tongue.” – Unknown

“Choose your words wisely, especially when you have nothing good to say.” – Unknown

“Sometimes silence is the best response, especially when you have nothing positive to contribute.” – Unknown

“In a world full of negativity, be the person who chooses silence over spreading more negativity.” – Unknown

“If your words can’t bring positivity or happiness, it’s better to keep them to yourself.” – Unknown

“Don’t let negativity leave your lips. Choose kindness or choose silence.” – Unknown

“The less you say, the more powerful your words become.” – Unknown

“If your words won’t uplift or inspire, it’s better to remain silent.” – Unknown

“Be mindful of the words you choose to say, especially when you have nothing good to contribute.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT BEING LET DOWN BY SOMEONE

“Silence is the strongest response when your words won’t make a positive difference.” – Unknown

“Don’t let negativity flow from your mouth. Let your silence speak volumes.” – Unknown

“When you can’t say something nice, it’s better to say nothing at all.” – Unknown

“Words can hurt as much as physical blows. Use them wisely.” – Unknown

“Negative words only add fuel to the fire. Choose not to ignite it.” – Unknown

“Silence can be a powerful weapon against negativity.” – Unknown

“Saying nothing is often the best response to negativity.” – Unknown

“The energy you put into the world through your words is important. Choose wisely.” – Unknown

“If your words won’t build bridges, it’s better to keep them to yourself.” – Unknown

“Don’t let your words become weapons. Use them to heal, not to harm.” – Unknown

“Being silent doesn’t mean you have nothing to say; it means you won’t waste your words on negativity.” – Unknown