“If you treat me like an option, I’ll leave you like a choice.”

“I’m not an option, I’m a priority.”

“Don’t make me your Plan B when I deserve to be your Plan A.”

“Never settle for being someone’s backup plan.”

“I won’t settle for being an option when I should be a priority.”

“Being someone’s option is an insult to my worth.”

“I am not a choice, I am someone’s first and only.”

“If you make me your option, don’t be surprised when I choose to leave.”

“I deserve to be chosen, not just settled for.”

“Being treated like an option only makes me realize my own value.”

“You can’t expect me to stick around when you treat me like a backup plan.”

“If you treat me like an option, I’ll make sure you’re just a memory.” THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION QUOTES

“I’m worthy of someone who sees me as a priority, not an option.”

“Don’t make me feel disposable by treating me like an option.”

“Being treated as an option is a clear indication of where I stand in your life.”

“I’d rather be alone than be treated like an option by someone I care about.”

“Being an option is a choice I will never make for myself.”

“If I’m just an option to you, then you’re just a mistake in my life.”

“I refuse to be a part-time priority in someone’s life.”

“I am not here to be someone’s fallback option; I deserve better.”

“Never settle for being someone’s second choice when you can be someone’s first.”

“It’s better to be alone than to be treated like an option by someone who doesn’t value you.”