“If you can’t be bothered with me, don’t expect me to be bothered with you either.”

“I refuse to waste my energy on people who can’t be bothered with me.”

“Being bothered with someone requires effort, and if you can’t put it in, I won’t either.”

“If you can’t be bothered with me, it’s your loss, not mine.”

“I deserve someone who cares enough to be bothered with me.”

“Don’t expect me to stick around if you can’t be bothered with me.”

“I don’t have time for people who can’t be bothered with me.”

“Actions speak louder than words, and if you can’t be bothered with me, your actions say enough.”

“You don’t get to pick and choose when to be bothered with me.”

“If you can’t be bothered with me, don’t expect me to be bothered with your excuses.”

“Being bothered with someone is a choice, and clearly, you’ve made yours.”

“I won’t waste my time trying to please someone who can’t be bothered with me.”

“You can’t expect loyalty from someone you can’t be bothered with.”

“If you can’t be bothered with me, I’ll find someone who can.”

“You’re not worth my energy if you can’t be bothered with me.” THERE IS NO ONE LIKE GOD QUOTES

“If you can’t be bothered with me, I won’t be bothered when you’re gone.”

“Some people thrive on attention, while others can’t be bothered with it.”

“Don’t play games with me if you can’t be bothered with me.”

“Being bothered with someone requires effort, and if you can’t make the effort, don’t expect me to.”

“I won’t chase after someone who can’t be bothered with me.”

“If you can’t be bothered with me, I won’t be bothered when I walk away.”

“I won’t lower my standards for someone who can’t be bothered with me.”

“If you can’t be bothered with me, don’t expect me to be bothered with your problems.”

“Being bothered with someone is a privilege, and clearly, you don’t see it that way.”

“I won’t tolerate being treated as an afterthought by someone who can’t be bothered with me.”

“It’s a shame you can’t be bothered with me, but I refuse to let it affect my self-worth.”

“If you can’t be bothered with me, don’t expect me to be bothered when you need me.”

“I am worthy of someone who can be bothered with me, and I won’t settle for less.”