“If you don’t like my posts, you’re free to scroll on by.”

“My posts are not for everyone, and that’s okay.”

“Opinions are like posts, everyone has their own.”

“If you don’t like what I post, that’s your problem, not mine.”

“My posts reflect who I am, and I won’t apologize for that.”

“Unfollow if my posts bother you, your happiness matters too.”

“Be kind or keep scrolling.”

“I post what I love, not what others might like.”

“I’m not here to please everyone with my posts, just being myself.”

“Don’t waste time hating my posts when you could be liking something else.”

“If my posts annoy you, simply unfollow and move on.”

“My posts are an expression of my thoughts, not a popularity contest.” RANDOM GOOD QUOTES

“I’m not here to post for your approval, so feel free to unfollow.”

“Life’s too short to stress about people disliking my posts.”

“I post for myself, not to please anyone else.”

“If you don’t like my posts, why are you paying so much attention?”

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if it’s about my posts.”

“Don’t waste your energy hating, it won’t change my posts.”

“My posts are for those who enjoy them, not for those who don’t.”

“If you don’t like my posts, just keep scrolling and find something you enjoy.”

“Not everyone is going to like what I post, and that’s perfectly fine.”

“I’m not here to win over everyone with my posts; I’m just here to be myself.”