“Though you are no longer here, your memory lives on in our hearts forever.”

“Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts.”

“You were a ray of sunshine in our lives, and we will forever miss your light.”

“In loving memory of our dear son, who will always be remembered and cherished.”

“Your laughter and love brought joy to our lives, and we hold onto those precious memories.”

“You may be gone from our physical presence, but you will forever remain in our thoughts and prayers.”

“Your absence has left a void that can never be filled, but we find comfort in the memories we shared.”

“Not a day goes by where we don’t miss your smile, your kindness, and your gentle soul.”

“We will forever carry you in our hearts, and your memory will be a guiding light in our lives.”

“In loving memory of our beloved son, who brought so much happiness into our lives.”

“Though the pain of losing you is immeasurable, the love and memories you left behind are eternal.” QUOTES IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN

“Your time with us was cut short, but the impact you made on our lives will last a lifetime.”

“You may be gone, but the love we have for you will never fade.”

“Forever loved and deeply missed, your memory brings us comfort and strength.”

“We hold onto the memories we made together, knowing that they will bring us solace during this difficult time.”

“Your spirit will forever live on, as we carry your love and light with us each day.”

“In loving memory of our precious son, whose legacy of love will endure eternally.”

“Though we cannot hold you in our arms, we hold your memory close to our hearts.”

“We find solace in the knowledge that you are watching over us, forever our guardian angel.”

“In loving memory of our dear son, whose impact on this world will never be forgotten.”

“You may have left this world, but you will never leave our hearts. Forever loved, forever missed.”