“Feelings are the colors of life, don’t be afraid to paint with them.” – Unknown

“You can’t control your feelings, but you can control how you react to them.” – Unknown

“Our feelings are a powerful force, they can either guide us or consume us.” – Unknown

“Sometimes all you need is a good cry to let your feelings out.” – Unknown

“Feelings are like waves, they come and go. Ride them out and soon you’ll be on calm waters again.” – Unknown

“Your feelings are valid, even if others can’t understand them.” – Unknown

“Don’t let your feelings define you, but don’t ignore them either.” – Unknown

“Feelings are the language of the heart, listen carefully.” – Unknown

“It’s okay to feel vulnerable, it means your heart is still alive.” – Unknown

“Feelings are like music, they can lift your spirits or bring you down.” – Unknown

“Let your feelings flow like a river, don’t dam them up.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the hardest feelings to express are the ones that need to be heard the most.” – Unknown

“Feelings are the threads that connect us all, cherish them.” – Unknown

“Don’t be afraid to embrace your feelings, they are what make you human.” – Unknown POSITIVE LIFE RULES QUOTES

“Feelings are like puzzle pieces, put them together and you’ll see the bigger picture.” – Unknown

“Your feelings are not a sign of weakness, they are a sign of strength.” – Unknown

“Feelings are like the weather, constantly changing. Don’t let them ruin your day, just wait for the sun to shine again.” – Unknown

“The beauty of feelings is that they can be shared and understood by others.” – Unknown

“Your feelings are a compass, guiding you towards what truly matters.” – Unknown

“Feelings are like fire, they can warm your heart or burn you down. Handle them with care.” – Unknown

“Sometimes it’s better to feel too much than to feel nothing at all.” – Unknown

“Your feelings are valid, no matter what anyone else says.” – Unknown

“Feelings are like a gentle breeze, they can calm your soul or ruffle your feathers.” – Unknown

“Don’t suppress your feelings, let them flow. They are a part of who you are.” – Unknown

“Feelings are the colors of your soul, let them shine brightly.” – Unknown

“Your feelings are a roadmap to your inner self, pay attention to them.” – Unknown

“Feelings are the language of the heart, embrace them and let them guide you.” – Unknown