“Marriage is like a workshop where the husband works and the wife watches.”

“In an Indian wedding, the bride and groom may change their relationship status, but their parents never change their matchmaking status.”

“The only downfall of an Indian wedding is that you have to hold in your laughter when the priest says ‘sacred’ and ‘holy’ around the groom’s friends.”

“The most expensive part of an Indian wedding is not the venue or the clothes, it’s the photographer who follows you around like a paparazzi.”

“In an Indian wedding, the groom faces three rounds of torture: the baraat, the sangeet, and the bidai.”

“At an Indian wedding, forget about the couple – it’s the guests who take the ‘I do’s’ more seriously and start planning their own weddings.”

“An Indian wedding is a perfect example of how two families join together to create a whole new set of gossip.”

“The main reason why Indian weddings are so long is because it takes time to learn all the dance moves for the sangeet.”

“Indian weddings are like a Bollywood movie – there’s music, drama, romance, and a lot of people dancing even though they have no clue what steps they are doing.”

“The best way to survive an Indian wedding is to befriend the bartender and eat as much as you can from the buffet.”

“The only race Indians excel at is the one to get the last remaining piece of gulab jamun at a wedding.”

“Indian weddings are the perfect opportunity for distant relatives to come together and ask, ‘When will you get married?'”

“An Indian wedding is the only event where you’ll see more makeup on the groom’s face than the bride’s.”

“No Indian wedding is complete without the aunties discussing the bride’s weight, the groom’s income, and the food quality.” QUOTES ABOUT ADAM SMITH FROM HIS FRIENDS

“The groom’s face during the jaimala ceremony is like the expression of a soldier who is going into battle.”

“The wedding cake at an Indian wedding looks like a piece of art that you’re not allowed to eat, but secretly hope it falls so you can grab a piece.”

“At an Indian wedding, you know the bride is exhausted when she does the ‘laung laachi’ dance with three different groomsmen.”

“In an Indian wedding, the groom has two main tasks: to survive the baraat and to make sure the bride doesn’t change her mind.”

“Indian weddings are proof that money can’t buy happiness, but it sure can buy a lot of gold jewelry.”

“The only time Indian relatives become professional dancers is during the sangeet when they show off their moves like they’re on a reality show.”

“The only sport Indians are truly passionate about is catching the bouquet at an Indian wedding.”

“In an Indian wedding, the buffet counter is like an all-you-can-eat challenge – the only difference is that your relatives will be watching to see how many times you go back.”

“The best part about an Indian wedding is that you can have a different outfit for every event, giving you the chance to pretend like you’re a celebrity.”

“The dance floor at an Indian wedding is like a battlefield where the DJ is the general and the guests are the soldiers trying to impress everyone with their moves.”

“In an Indian wedding, the only competition more intense than the dance-off is the race to catch the bouquet before your relatives start planning your wedding.”

“An Indian wedding is like watching a cricket match – there’s a lot of excitement, people cheering, and it’s never over until the last run is scored.”