“I find myself counting down the days until I see you again.”

“There’s a void in my life that only you can fill.”

“Being away from you feels like a piece of me is missing.”

“Everywhere I go, I’m reminded of you and how much I miss you.”

“I never realized how much I relied on your presence until you were gone.”

“There’s an ache in my heart that only your return can heal.”

“I can’t help but miss the way you make me feel.”

“You are the missing puzzle piece that completes me.”

“Time seems to stand still when you’re not around.”

“My days are incomplete without your laughter and smile.”

“You never truly appreciate someone until they’re not by your side.”

“I long for the moment when I can see your face again.” SAD BOJACK HORSEMAN QUOTES

“The distance between us only makes my longing for you grow stronger.”

“You’ve left footprints on my heart that won’t fade until you’re back.”

“I wish I could teleport and be with you right now.”

“Life just isn’t the same without you here.”

“I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again.”

“I miss how we used to laugh until we cried together.”

“There’s a silence in my life without your voice.”

“You are the melody to my heart, and I miss your music.”

“I’m reminded of your absence when something amazing happens, and you’re not here to share it with me.”

“Distance may keep us apart, but you’re always on my mind.”

“No matter how far apart we are, you’re always close to my heart.”