“I constantly seek validation because I’m afraid of not being enough.”

“I’m always second-guessing myself because I don’t trust my own abilities.”

“I worry about what others think of me because I struggle to accept myself.”

“I feel invisible because I’m afraid to let my true self shine.”

“I compare myself to others because I feel inadequate in my own skin.”

“I apologize excessively because I fear displeasing others.”

“I constantly seek approval because I doubt my own worth.”

“I avoid taking risks because I’m afraid of failure.”

“I struggle to accept compliments because I don’t believe in my own value.”

“I avoid confrontation because I fear rejection or judgment.”

“I seek reassurance because I doubt my own decisions.”

“I overthink everything because I’m scared of making mistakes.”

“I isolate myself because I fear being judged or rejected by others.” TO WONG FOO THANKS FOR EVERYTHING QUOTES

“I struggle with assertiveness because I worry about upsetting others.”

“I constantly seek reassurance because I’m afraid of rejection.”

“I apologize for my opinions because I’m scared of confrontation.”

“I avoid sharing my achievements because I fear being viewed as boastful.”

“I downplay my accomplishments because I doubt my own abilities.”

“I avoid taking up space because I fear being seen as a burden.”

“I struggle with setting boundaries because I worry about disappointing others.”

“I feel insecure in relationships because I fear abandonment.”

“I struggle with self-acceptance because I constantly compare myself to others.”

“I doubt my own opinions because I fear being wrong.”

“I avoid trying new things because I’m afraid of looking foolish.”