“Inshallah, everything will be fine, for it is in God’s hands.”

“Have faith and trust in Allah, for he will make everything right.”

“Don’t worry, inshallah everything will work out according to God’s plan.”

“Inshallah, keep a positive mindset and believe that everything will fall into place.”

“Remember, inshallah, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.”

“Keep your heart pure and your intentions sincere, and inshallah, everything will be fine.”

“Inshallah, never lose hope, for God’s mercy is infinite.”

“Stay patient and resilient, for inshallah, everything will be fine.”

“Inshallah, have faith in the divine timing, for everything happens for a reason.”

“No matter how difficult the situation, inshallah, everything will be fine.”

“Inshallah, believe in the power of prayers, for they can bring miracles.”

“Inshallah, trust in the journey, for every obstacle is a stepping stone towards greatness.”

“Inshallah, keep your head up high and keep moving forward, for better days are ahead.”

“Inshallah, have faith that God never burdens a soul more than it can bear.”

“Inshallah, embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth and learn from them.” NEW YEAR NEW MINDSET QUOTES

“Inshallah, have faith that Allah’s plan is perfect, even if we can’t see it yet.”

“Inshallah, let go of worries and surrender to God’s will.”

“Inshallah, remember that every storm will pass, and tranquility will prevail.”

“Inshallah, have faith that every setback is a setup for a comeback.”

“Inshallah, believe that Allah’s love and mercy are always present, guiding our path.”

“Inshallah, never underestimate the power of dua (prayer) and the miracles it can bring.”

“Inshallah, know that every test is an opportunity to prove our resilience and faith.”

“Inshallah, trust in God’s wisdom, for he knows what’s best for us.”

“Inshallah, have patience and remember that good things take time.”

“Inshallah, stay focused on the present moment and let go of fears about the future.”

“Inshallah, have faith that Allah’s mercy will shower upon us, granting us peace and prosperity.”

“Inshallah, never underestimate the power of positivity and gratitude in attracting blessings.”

“Inshallah, know that every challenge we face is an opportunity for us to grow stronger.”

“Inshallah, keep your heart filled with hope and have unwavering trust in God’s plan.”