“Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is a quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing, and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times.” – Ann Landers

“Boundaries are not walls to keep others out, but a framework to ensure that you are not taken advantage of.” – Unknown

“The wrong people will never appreciate your boundaries, but the right ones will always respect them.” – Unknown

“In any relationship, setting clear boundaries early on is crucial for creating a healthy and fulfilling connection.” – Unknown

“Love without boundaries is like a river without banks; it can overflow and drown everything around it.” – Unknown

“Boundaries are necessary in relationships to ensure that both individuals can grow and maintain their sense of self.” – Unknown

“True love doesn’t mean you must sacrifice your personal boundaries; it means finding someone who understands and respects them.” – Unknown

“Setting boundaries is a way of respecting yourself and showing others how you expect to be treated.” – Unknown

“Healthy relationships thrive on understanding and respecting each other’s boundaries.” – Unknown

“Boundaries teach people how to treat you and what you will tolerate in any relationship.” – Unknown

“Love can only flourish in an environment where boundaries are respected and communication is open.” – Unknown

“You are not responsible for other people’s actions and emotions. Set healthy boundaries to protect your own well-being.” – Unknown

“Boundaries in relationships foster trust, respect, and a strong sense of self.” – Unknown

“Never apologize for setting boundaries. Your mental and emotional well-being should always be a priority.” – Unknown

“Boundaries define where you end and others begin. They are a key ingredient in maintaining a healthy relationship.” – Unknown GOOD OMENS QUOTES AZIRAPHALE

“Boundaries provide the freedom to be yourself and allow others to be themselves, creating a space for authentic connections.” – Unknown

“Boundaries set the stage for a balanced give-and-take dynamic in any relationship.” – Unknown

“A relationship without boundaries is like a ship without a rudder; it drifts aimlessly and often ends up in turbulent waters.” – Unknown

“Setting boundaries is not a sign of selfishness; it is an act of self-care and love.” – Unknown

“Boundaries are the fences that protect the beautiful garden of a relationship from being trampled.” – Unknown

“A relationship should enhance your life, not define it. Boundaries ensure that you maintain your individuality within a partnership.” – Unknown

“Boundaries are a reflection of self-respect. They show others that you value yourself and deserve to be treated with dignity.” – Unknown

“Boundaries may seem restrictive, but they actually create the freedom to be authentic and grow within a relationship.” – Unknown

“A relationship without boundaries is like a recipe without measurements; it’s chaotic and often results in a bitter taste.” – Unknown

“No one else can set your boundaries for you. It is a personal responsibility that only you can fulfill.” – Unknown

“Boundaries in relationships protect your energy, time, and emotional well-being from being drained or compromised.” – Unknown

“Healthy relationships are built on a foundation of clear boundaries that foster honesty, trust, and respect.” – Unknown

“Setting boundaries is not about creating distance; it is about creating space for growth and understanding within a relationship.” – Unknown

“Love knows no boundaries, but healthy relationships thrive when boundaries are established and respected.” – Unknown