“I didn’t attend school for the grades, I came for the awkward yearbook photos.”

“I’m leaving high school with a diploma and a Netflix addiction.”

“Life is like a camera, focus on the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t work out, take another shot.”

“My yearbook quote is set to private, you’ll have to request permission to read it.”

“The key to success in high school is a secret, and I’m still searching for it.”

“I used to think I was indecisive, but now I’m not so sure.”

“High school was just a warm-up, now it’s time to enter the real world of buffering and procrastination.”

“Dear yearbook, thanks for making me look 10 times taller and 10 times more awkward.”

“I survived high school without getting caffeine addiction; that’s an achievement in itself.”

“If life gives you lemons, make sure to save the receipt and return them for something more practical.”

“My GPA may be average, but my Photoshop skills are extraordinary.”

“I can’t believe I finished high school without any of my teachers recommending a career as a professional napper.”

“High school is like a roller coaster, it has its ups and downs, and sometimes you’ll get stuck in an awkward loop.”

“High school was a glimpse into adulthood, and I realized I’m not ready for bills and responsibilities.” ENCOURAGING QUOTES FOR BROKEN HEART

“My yearbook quote? Well, let’s just say it was too hilarious for print.”

“I may not have made it on the honor roll, but I’m definitely on the honor roll of ordering takeout.”

“I spent four years trying to figure out who I am, and I’m still not entirely sure.”

“They say high school is the best time of your life, but I’m praying that my life peaks a bit later.”

“If there’s one lesson high school taught me, it’s how to survive on three hours of sleep and a bag of chips.”

“Four years in high school and all I got is this lousy yearbook quote.”

“High school is like a math problem; I still don’t understand why my x is always trying to find its way into everyone’s problem.”

“I have a black belt in procrastination. It’s the only black belt I’ve ever earned.”

“They say you find yourself in high school, but I think I got lost somewhere between algebra and cafeteria food.”

“High school may be over, but my days of pretending to be a responsible adult are just beginning.”

“In high school, they tell you to follow your dreams. Well, my dream is to have a lot of naps.”

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because your yearbook photo is absolutely iconic.”

“High school was like a big, dramatic TV series, and I can’t wait for the spin-off called ‘Adulting in Real Life’.”