“Þetta reddast.”

(This too shall pass.)

“Útí blainn – í blóm”

(Into the snow – into the flower.)

“Sigrunin er þátturinn.”

(The victory is in the effort.)

“Ánægja í eyrun heims.”

(Joy in the ears of the world.)

“Ævintýri númer tvö.”

(Adventure number two.)

“Lífið er eins og vesic þorlákur – fjölskrúdd og gott.”

(Life is like a jar of pickled herring – diverse and good.)

“Glatað er bezt á lás.”

(Lost is best kept locked up.)

“Áfram, framhjá þröskuldum.”

(Forward, past thresholds.)

“Þrek er fagrasta blóm búðarinnar.”

(Endurance is the most beautiful flower of the shop.)

“Náttúran er beste læknirinn.”

(Nature is the best doctor.)

“Ósköp kallar á hugrekki.”

(Adversity calls for courage.)

“Birta í myrkri er skær.” BE A NICE PERSON QUOTES

(Light in the darkness is bright.)

“Án pikó er engin fönnumót.”

(Without a peak, there is no summit.)

“Lífið er eins og skyr – bragðmeira, mildara.”

(Life is like yogurt – more flavorful, milder.)

“Gott er alltaf að hugleika sér.”

(It is always good to be kind to oneself.)

“Gæitur góðrar vonar.”

(Seeds of good hope.)

“Skammvist er góð góðráða.”

(Modesty is good advice.)

“Einfaldleiki er góð lista.”

(Simplicity is good art.)

“Vöndum saman án þrauna.”

(Weave together without haste.)

“Happið er eginn hugur.”

(Happiness is a content mind.)

“Friðurinn er laufa gull.”

(Peace is a leaf of gold.)

“Hamingja hefur margt andlit.”

(Happiness has many faces.)