“Infertility is a journey that tests our strength, resilience, and love. But through it all, we can find the courage to keep going.” – Unknown

“Your journey may be tough, but remember that there is strength in every step you take towards your dream of becoming a parent.” – Unknown

“Infertility is not the end of the road, but a detour leading to a different path to parenthood.” – Unknown

“In the midst of the challenges, never lose hope. Your miracle is just around the corner.” – Unknown

“Infertility is not a reflection of your worth as a person. You are strong, courageous, and deserving of happiness.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the most beautiful things in life are born from the deepest pain.” – Unknown

“The strength to endure infertility comes from within. Believe in yourself and your ability to overcome.” – Unknown

“In the face of adversity, choose hope. The strength to succeed lies within you.” – Unknown

“Infertility may bend us, but it will never break us. We are stronger than we think.” – Unknown

“Infertility may delay our dreams, but it cannot destroy them. Keep pushing forward, and someday you will reach your destination.” – Unknown

“Infertility teaches us patience, resilience, and the power of unwavering hope.” – Unknown WHEN YOU ARE MISSING SOMEONE QUOTES

“Every setback is an opportunity for a comeback. Keep fighting, keep believing, and never give up.” – Unknown

“Infertility may test our faith, but it can also strengthen our resolve to never give up on our dreams.” – Unknown

“Remember, the darkness of infertility cannot extinguish the light of hope within you.” – Unknown

“Infertility is not the end of your story, but merely a chapter in your journey to parenthood.” – Unknown

“Be your own cheerleader in times of hardship. You have the strength to overcome any challenge that comes your way.” – Unknown

“Infertility may be a battle, but we will emerge stronger, wiser, and more compassionate than ever before.” – Unknown

“The road to parenthood may be difficult, but it is paved with love, hope, and unwavering determination.” – Unknown

“Infertility may try to break us, but it only makes us more determined to succeed.” – Unknown

“Infertility is not a label that defines us, but a challenge that empowers us to create our own destiny.” – Unknown

“In the face of infertility, we discover our inner warriors. Together, we can conquer any obstacle that comes our way.” – Unknown