“Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time; serenity, that nothing is.” – Thomas Szasz

“Boredom is the root of all evil – the despairing refusal to be oneself.” – Søren Kierkegaard

“Boredom is simply the result of a lack of interest.” – Unknown

“Boredom is the feeling that everything is so incredibly uninteresting.” – Unknown

“Boredom is a sign of unused potential.” – Unknown

“Boredom is the feeling that you are missing out on life’s adventures.” – Unknown

“Boredom is a lack of imagination.” – Unknown

“Boredom is the enemy of creativity.” – Unknown

“Boredom is temporary; inspiration is everlasting.” – Unknown

“Boredom is a luxury only the unimaginative can afford.” – Unknown

“Boredom is the mind’s way of telling you that it is hungry for new experiences.” – Unknown

“Boredom is just an opportunity to explore new passions and interests.” – Unknown QUOTE ABOUT FRIEND AS A SISTER

“Boredom is a wakeup call to decide what truly excites you.” – Unknown

“Boredom is a reminder that life is too short to waste on the unexceptional.” – Unknown

“Boredom can be a catalyst for change if you allow it to push you out of your comfort zone.” – Unknown

“Boredom is a chance to reinvent yourself and discover new aspects of your personality.” – Unknown

“Boredom is the fire that drives creativity.” – Cameron Moll

“Boredom is a silent invitation to seek and create excitement.” – Unknown

“Boredom is a sign that you are ready for new challenges and experiences.” – Unknown

“Boredom is the breeding ground for innovation.” – Unknown

“Boredom is an opportunity to embrace solitude and find peace within.” – Unknown

“Boredom is the wake-up call to make each moment count.” – Unknown

“Boredom is the canvas on which creativity paints its masterpiece.” – Unknown