“Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” – Saint Augustine

“Believe in God and God will believe in you.” – Unknown

“God never gives you more than you can handle. Trust Him and believe that He is always with you.” – Unknown

“When you believe in God, you have nothing to fear for He will always be by your side.” – Unknown

“Believing in God is not a sign of weakness, but rather a testament to your strength and courage.” – Unknown

“When you start believing in God’s purpose for your life, everything falls into place.” – Unknown

“God is always with you; believe in His plan and have faith in His timing.” – Unknown

“Believe in God’s love, for it is the greatest source of strength and power.” – Unknown

“Believing in God gives you the strength to overcome any obstacle and face any challenge.” – Unknown

“When you believe in God, you open yourself up to receiving His blessings and miracles.” – Unknown

“Believe in God’s goodness, for He always has a greater plan for your life.” – Unknown

“When you believe in God’s promises, you can face any storm with courage and peace.” – Unknown

“Believe in God’s grace, for it is always greater than your mistakes.” – Unknown

“Trust in God’s timing, for He knows what is best for you.” – Unknown FAMOUS PRINCE QUOTES ABOUT MTOIVATION

“Believe in God’s healing power, and you will find peace amidst any pain or suffering.” – Unknown

“When you believe in God’s forgiveness, you can let go of your past and embrace a new beginning.” – Unknown

“Believing in God’s guidance allows you to surrender control and find true freedom.” – Unknown

“Believe in God’s strength, for He will carry you through the toughest of times.” – Unknown

“When you believe in God’s wisdom, you trust that His plan is always right, even when you don’t understand.” – Unknown

“Believe in God’s presence, for He is with you every step of your journey.” – Unknown

“When you believe in God, you have hope even in the darkest moments.” – Unknown

“Believe in God’s love, for it is the greatest force that can transform your life.” – Unknown

“When you believe in God’s promises, you can have peace in the midst of uncertainty.” – Unknown

“Believing in God gives you the strength to persevere and overcome any adversity.” – Unknown

“Believe in God’s plan, for He has a purpose for every season of your life.” – Unknown

“When you believe in God’s provision, you can trust that He will always provide for your needs.” – Unknown

“Believe in God’s miracles, for He can turn your impossible into possible.” – Unknown