“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.” – Lewis Carroll

“Don’t regret the past, just learn from it.” – Ben Ipock

“Regret for wasted time is more wasted time.” – Mason Cooley

“Never regret anything that made you smile.” – Mark Twain

“Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can’t build on it; it’s only good for wallowing in.” – Katherine Mansfield

“Regret is a bitter pill we take hoping it will poison someone else.” – Mason Cooley

“The only regrets in life are the risks we didn’t take.” – Lewis Carroll

“Regret is a form of punishment itself.” – Yasmin Mogahed

“Do it now. Sometimes ‘later’ becomes ‘never’.” – Unknown

“Regret is mostly caused by not having done anything.” – Charles Bukowski

“Regret is an excuse for people who have failed.” – Unknown

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

“Don’t regret the things you did, just the things you didn’t do when you had the chance.” – Unknown CAN T BE HAPPY QUOTES

“I’d rather have a life of ‘oh wells’ than a life of ‘what ifs’.” – Unknown

“Regret is simply a lesson learned, recalibrate and move on.” – Michelle Smith

“Regret can be fueled by our longing to change the past, rather than accepting and learning from it.” – Unknown

“Never let a bad situation bring out the worst in you. Choose to stay positive and be the strong person that God created you to be.” – Unknown

“Regret is the longing for life’s alternative, endless possibilities, the road not taken.” – Unknown

“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Christopher Columbus

“Don’t look back with regret, look forward with hope.” – Unknown

“Regret doesn’t change anything. It can only affect your present moment negatively.” – Unknown

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” – Albert Einstein

“Regret is simply a way to avoid taking responsibility for our choices.” – Unknown

“You’ll always regret not pursuing the life you truly wanted.” – Unknown