“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” – Albert Einstein

“Imagination is the power to envision a better future and the catalyst to make it happen.” – Unknown

“Imagination is a force that can take you to places beyond the boundaries of reality.” – Unknown

“Imagination is the golden key to unlocking the doors of creativity.” – Unknown

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.” – Albert Einstein

“Imagination is the spark that ignites innovation and drives progress.” – Unknown

“Imagination is a limitless resource that fuels the fires of possibility.” – Unknown

“Imagination is the bridge that connects dreams to reality.” – Unknown

“Imagination is the canvas where dreams are painted.” – Unknown

“The gift of imagination allows us to explore worlds beyond what the eyes can see.” – Unknown

“Imagination is the fuel that propels us to reach for the stars.” – Unknown

“Imagination opens the door to endless opportunities and adventures.” – Unknown

“Without imagination, life would be colorless and dull.” – Unknown

“Imagination is the tool through which we can shape our own reality.” – Unknown POSITIVE QUOTES TO END THE DAY

“Imagination is the driving force behind every great accomplishment in human history.” – Unknown

“Imagination is the music of the mind that can lift our spirits and elevate our souls.” – Unknown

“Imagination is the key that unlocks the door to a world full of endless possibilities.” – Unknown

“Imagination is the magic wand that turns the ordinary into extraordinary.” – Unknown

“Imagination is the birthplace of dreams that have the power to change the world.” – Unknown

“Imagination is a superpower that can transcend the limitations of the physical world.” – Unknown

“Imagination is the whisper of the soul, guiding us towards our wildest dreams.” – Unknown

“Imagination takes us on journeys to places we’ve never been, and introduces us to characters we’ve never met.” – Unknown

“Imagination is the playground of the mind, where creativity runs wild and dreams take flight.” – Unknown

“Imagination is the compass that helps us navigate through the unknown.” – Unknown

“Imagination is the spark that lights the fire of innovation and drives progress.” – Unknown

“Imagination is the gateway to a world where anything is possible.” – Unknown

“Imagination is the key that unlocks the door to our true potential.” – Unknown