“Saying sorry is not a sign of weakness, but a gesture of strength and humility.” – Unknown

“It takes a strong person to say sorry, even when they are not at fault.” – Unknown

“I’m sorry if my words hurt you, but I hope you can forgive me and see beyond them.” – Unknown

“Apologizing doesn’t always mean you’re wrong; it means you value your relationship more than your ego.” – Unknown

“Admitting your mistake and saying sorry is the first step to learning and growing.” – Unknown

“Saying sorry means nothing if you don’t make changes to your behavior.” – Unknown

“Apologize like you mean it, and make amends like you’re committed to change.” – Unknown

“Sorry is just a word, but it can mean a lot when it is backed up by sincere actions.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the word sorry is not enough to heal the wounds, but it is a good place to start.” – Unknown

“Apologizing doesn’t mean you’re weak; it means you value the relationship more than your ego.” – Unknown

“In the end, the most important thing is not who is right or wrong; it’s about understanding and forgiveness.” – Unknown

“Never be too proud to apologize when you realize you’ve made a mistake.” – Unknown

“The best apology is changed behavior.” – Unknown

“Remember, saying sorry is not a sign of defeat, but a step towards resolution.” – Unknown BIBLICAL SUNDAY QUOTES

“Apologies can mend broken bridges and heal wounded hearts, if only given sincerely.” – Unknown

“Sorry means nothing without actions to support it.” – Unknown

“Don’t let pride stop you from saying sorry; it could be the first step towards healing.” – Unknown

“Apologizing doesn’t always mean you’re wrong; it means you value the relationship more than your ego.” – Unknown

“Saying sorry won’t always fix everything, but it can be a start towards making things right.” – Unknown

“Apologies mean very little if the same mistakes are repeated over and over again.” – Unknown

“A genuine apology can repair relationships, but insincere apologies will only damage them further.” – Unknown

“Saying sorry is not about admitting fault; it’s about showing respect and empathy towards others.” – Unknown

“Apologizing is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of maturity and understanding.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself; saying sorry can be the first step towards self-healing.” – Unknown

“Don’t hesitate to apologize; you’ll be surprised by the power of owning up to your mistakes.” – Unknown

“Sincerely apologizing doesn’t make you weak; it makes you stronger by taking responsibility for your actions.” – Unknown