“The best among you are those who have the best manners and character.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“The one who is kind and courteous is on the path of righteousness.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“Charity does not decrease wealth.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“The one who helps others in their time of need, Allah will help them in their time of need.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“The one who removes a harmful thing from the path of people, Allah will remove a harmful thing from their path on the Day of Judgment.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“A kind word is a form of charity.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“Smiling in the face of your brother is an act of charity.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“The one who is humble will be exalted by Allah.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“Feeding others is a great act of kindness.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“The one who treats his parents with kindness and respect, Paradise is at their feet.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“The best form of worship is to be kind to others.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“The one who forgives others, Allah will forgive them.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) SOMEDAY EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY QUOTES

“The one who gives in charity secretly, Allah will reward them openly.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“The one who guides others to goodness will have a reward equal to those who follow it.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“Desire for others what you desire for yourself.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“The one who is just in their dealings will be with the prophets, martyrs, and righteous people on the Day of Judgment.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“The one who maintains ties with their family will have their life extended and their provisions increased.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“The one who speaks kind words will have peace and happiness in their life.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“The one who is honest and trustworthy will be resurrected with the prophets and truthful ones.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“The one who does good to others, Allah will do good to them.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“The one who protects others from harm, Allah will protect them.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

“The one who spends their wealth in the path of Allah will have it multiplied many times over.” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)