“Allah loves those who love others.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

“Love for others what you love for yourself.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

“In love, there is unity and compassion.” – Rumi

“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference.” – Sheikh Hamza Yusuf

“Love is the greatest force in the world because it brings people closer to Allah.” – Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah

“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” – Sheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani

“Love is the essence of faith.” – Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq

“Love is the foundation of every righteous act.” – Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib

“Love is the sun of the soul, without it, the soul finds no peace.” – Ibn al-Jawzi

“Love is the way to healing. It brings hearts together and mends broken souls.” – Mufti Ismail Menk

“In love, there is no room for hatred.” – Imam Ghazali

“The greatest act of love is to give without expecting anything in return.” – Umar ibn al-Khattab

“Love is the key to paradise.” – Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani

“Love is a beautiful gift from Allah, cherish it and share it with others.” – Sheikh Ahmad Kutty

“Love is the ladder to spiritual growth.” – Imam Ibn al-Qayyim BEST+QUOTES+ABOUT+LIFE

“True love is not about finding someone perfect, but seeing an imperfect person perfectly.” – Sheikh Muhammad al-Ghazali

“Love cannot be bought or forced, it can only be cultivated through pure intentions and actions.” – Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi

“Love is a feeling that should be nourished daily, just like our bodies need food.” – Mufti Menk

“Love is the greatest healer of wounds.” – Imam al-Haddad

“Love is not about possessing someone, but setting them free to choose their own path.” – Sheikh Hamza Yusuf

“Love is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” – Sheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani

“True love is selfless, it seeks happiness for others before oneself.” – Sheikh Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi

“Love is a river that flows from the heart of believers.” – Rumi

“Love knows no boundaries, it transcends race, ethnicity, and religion.” – Sheikh Hamza Yusuf

“Love is the energy that connects us to Allah and His creation.” – Sheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani

“Love is the secret to finding peace within oneself.” – Imam Ibn al-Qayyim

“Love is not about being with someone for their beauty, but being with them for their piety.” – Mufti Menk

“Love is the bridge that connects heaven and earth.” – Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib

“Love is the greatest power in the universe, it can move mountains and change lives.” – Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani