“Allah is beautiful and loves beauty.” – Prophet Muhammad

“Beauty without modesty is like a diamond without gold.” – Ibn Qayyim

“The most beautiful thing a person can wear is a smile.” – Unknown

“Look at the beauty of the world and remember its Creator.” – Uthman ibn Affan

“True beauty lies within the soul, not the physical appearance.” – Unknown

“Be like a flower, always spreading beauty and love wherever you go.” – Unknown

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” – Rumi

“True beauty is seen in the way one walks with grace and kindness.” – Unknown

“Whoever beautifies himself for Allah, Allah will beautify him.” – Hadith

“Beauty without virtue is like a rose without fragrance.” – Unknown

“The beauty of a woman lies in her piety and taqwa (God-consciousness).” – Unknown

“Be beautiful both inside and out, for the inner beauty will reflect on the outer appearance.” – Unknown

“The beauty of Islam is that it teaches us to appreciate the beauty of every creation of Allah.” – Unknown

“A person’s character is their true beauty, not their outward appearance.” – Unknown

“The truest beauty comes from a heart filled with faith and gratitude.” – Unknown

“The beauty of a person’s actions lies in fulfilling their duties and obligations towards Allah and others.” – Unknown I WILL MISS YOU QUOTES DEATH

“Allah has created everything with beauty, and we must strive to recognize and appreciate it.” – Unknown

“The beauty of Islam lies in its ability to transform hearts and souls.” – Unknown

“Adorn yourself with the beauty of knowledge and wisdom.” – Unknown

“The beauty of a believer is in their humility and sincerity.” – Unknown

“O Allah, make my heart beautiful with Your remembrance.” – Unknown

“The beauty of a sunset is a reminder of Allah’s artistry in creation.” – Unknown

“True beauty is found in embracing one’s natural self and being comfortable in one’s own skin.” – Unknown

“The beauty of a person lies in their ability to forgive and show kindness towards others.” – Unknown

“The most beautiful thing a person can wear is their character.” – Unknown

“Beauty is an expression of gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us by Allah.” – Unknown

“The beauty of a person’s character shines through their actions, not their looks.” – Unknown

“Seek beauty in simplicity, for true elegance lies in modesty.” – Unknown

“True beauty is found in the way one treats others with compassion and love.” – Unknown

“The true beauty of a person is seen in their devotion to Allah and their sincere worship.” – Unknown