“And He will provide him from sources he never could imagine. And whoever relies upon Allah, then He is sufficient for him.” – Quran 65:3

“Verily, with every difficulty, there is relief.” – Quran 94:5

“Indeed, Allah is with the patient.” – Quran 2:153

“Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.” – Quran 2:286

“Trust in Allah when things don’t work out as planned. Remember, His plans are better than ours.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the most wonderful things that will ever happen to us.” – Unknown

“Verily, Allah loves those who are patient amidst adversity.” – Quran 3:146

“Allah will never abandon you in your moments of sadness. Keep your faith in Him.” – Unknown

“The pain that you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.” – Unknown

“Every hardship is followed by ease.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

“Behind every tear, there is wisdom; behind every struggle, there is growth.” – Unknown

“The most beloved to Allah are those who are severely tested and yet remain patient.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) LOVE QUOTES TO GIRLFRIEND IN ENGLISH

“Sometimes Allah allows your heart to break, to make space for an even better person in your life.” – Unknown

“And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient.” – Quran 2:155

“Allah’s timing is perfect. Trust Him and remain patient.” – Unknown

“Tears are not a sign of weakness; they are the silent prayers of a broken heart seeking healing.” – Unknown

“Give your worries to Allah and let Him fill your broken heart with peace.” – Unknown

“Allah is close to the broken-hearted; He is the source of healing for the hurting souls.” – Unknown

“Allah will replace what has been taken away from you with something better.” – Unknown

“Allah is the best of planners; He knows what is best for you.” – Unknown

“Believe in the power of Allah’s love to heal your broken heart.” – Unknown

“In every difficulty, there is an opportunity for growth and a chance to draw closer to Allah.” – Unknown

“One day you will look back and realize that all the pain had a purpose.” – Unknown