“Indeed, with hardship, there is ease.” – Quran 94:5

“Do not be sad, indeed Allah is with us.” – Quran 9:40

“Don’t be sad because of what you’re going through, be proud of enduring it, for it gives you strength.” – Unknown

“Sadness is a test, patience is the key, and Allah is the answer.” – Unknown

“Trust that Allah has a plan, even if you can’t see it.” – Unknown

“Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.” – Quran 2:286

“Crying to Allah is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength.” – Unknown

“In times of sadness, turn to prayer. It will heal your heart and calm your soul.” – Unknown

“Don’t let sadness weaken you, let it make you stronger in your faith.” – Unknown

“Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” – Quran 13:11

“Trust in Allah’s plan, even if you can’t understand it.” – Unknown

“Sadness can bring us closer to Allah, as it reminds us of our need for His mercy.” – Unknown

“In every difficulty, there is relief.” – Quran 94:5 MOST ROMANTIC BOOK QUOTES

“Don’t let sadness consume you, let it motivate you to seek Allah’s guidance and mercy.” – Unknown

“The cure for sadness lies in the remembrance of Allah.” – Unknown

“Don’t be sad about the test, be grateful for the opportunity to grow closer to Allah.” – Unknown

“Allah is always near, even in the darkest moments.” – Unknown

“Sadness is temporary; Allah’s love is eternal.” – Unknown

“Allah is the Best of Planners.” – Quran 8:30

“Sadness can be a gift from Allah, as it leads us to seek His comfort and guidance.” – Unknown

“Never lose hope in Allah’s mercy, for it is endless.” – Unknown

“Allah’s love and mercy are greater than any sadness or despair.” – Unknown

“Sadness may linger, but so does the love and mercy of Allah.” – Unknown

“Find solace in the remembrance of Allah, for it is the key to healing a broken heart.” – Unknown

“Sadness is a reminder that this world is not our ultimate home; our true home is with Allah.” – Unknown