“Don’t worry; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Trust the process; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Don’t stress over it; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Sometimes things need time to resolve; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Have faith in the universe; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Let go of control; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Keep calm; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Stay patient; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Focus on the bigger picture; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Trust in the power of time; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Good things take time; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Stay positive; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Don’t dwell on the small things; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Learn to let go; it will all come out in the wash.” DEPRESSIVE QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“Time heals all wounds; it will all come out in the wash.”

“The truth will always prevail; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Everything happens for a reason; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Avoid unnecessary worry; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Be patient with yourself; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Don’t rush the process; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Trust in the natural flow of life; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Learn to surrender; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Focus on what you can control; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Stay hopeful; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Embrace uncertainty; it will all come out in the wash.”

“Keep the faith; it will all come out in the wash.”