Jay: “I’m the nigga that smacks the reality into you. Me and Silent Bob here have been bustin’ our balls for 614 consecutive days to get our own film made, and if you two motherfuckers still fuck it up, I’ma fuckin’… I’ma fuckin’… Wigga… I’ma lay fat tracks with my man Bob! ”

Silent Bob: “…”

Jay: “Uhh, what he said.”

Jay: “Do you know the difference between a comic book and a comic book movie? A comic book movie kicks ass, that’s what!”

Silent Bob: “…”

Jay: “Oh, what he said.”

Jay: “Muffin stuffer! Pussy! Twat!”

Jay: “I’m Jay, and this is my hetero-lifemate Silent Bob. We’re gonna fuck a mummy.”

Jay: “Snoogen snootch, motherfuckers!”

Silent Bob: “…”

Jay: “Yeah, what he said. Snoogen snootch!”

Jay: “I’m Jay, and this is my co-hetero-lifemate Silent Bob. We’re here to pick up a couple of chicks, man.” BRUCE LEE QUOTES NEVER REGRET BEING A GOOD PERSON

Silent Bob: “…”

Jay: “What he’s trying to say is that we’re here to fart around and look for some tang.”

Jay: “She reads too many damn books! Oh, excuse me, Mr. Book-Reedom Reader. I forgot we don’t live in a fascist state where there’s somebody standin’ guard over every fuckin’ thing we do!”

Silent Bob: “…”

Jay: “Yeah, what he said. Stupid motherfucker’s gonna shoot us in the back of the head!”

Jay: “I’m the breeze, baby. Don’t tell me where I can and cannot go.”

Silent Bob: “…”

Jay: “Yeah, what he said. I’m the breeze, baby!”

Jay: “So your instead of coming up with a foolproof plan to get your dumbasses out of some shit, you decided to concoct a half-assed plan that involves nobody actually leaving this fucking place?”

Silent Bob: “…”

Jay: “Ah, what he said. Leave no witness behind, man!”