“They call it a ‘rush.’ I call it a moment of clarity.”

“Art requires a certain…cruelty.”

“A true masterpiece is meant to last forever.”

“Precision is the difference between a butcher and a surgeon.”

“Life has no meaning. Only death can be trusted to bring true beauty.”

“Every masterpiece begins with a single stroke.”

“The trigger on a loaded weapon… it whispers for us to act.”

“Violence requires a sharp mind and an even sharper blade.”

“Beauty is pain… and beauty is worth the pain.”

“From the darkness, light.”

“An artist’s triumph is in that moment when his heart spills out onto a battlefield, transformed.”

“My gun is the brush; my will is the paint, and the world… is my masterpiece.”

“There is nothing for me but this.” BEING THE BEST I CAN BE QUOTES

“The truest art is timeless.”

“The lotus will bloom… and the world will know true beauty.”

“War is only natural… for an artist like me.”

“Revel in the poetry of violence.”

“I envy silence… because I must be loud.”

“My art is a scream. And your agony… is its melody.”

“The line between life and death is drawn with my bullet.”

“I am the lotus blossom… the deadliest flower.”

“Even the heaviest door can be opened – when one endures.”

“A symphony of fear…”

“Let them try to stop me. I dare them.”