“And suddenly it came back to him… He was the one who was supposed to grab her and hold her and shoot down any goddamn enemy that came around… He was the one they weren’t going to get, not him, not Joseph Bonham of Shale City, Colorado, U.S.A., no thank you.”

“But man’s arms aren’t built to hold everything; his hands are small and there’s far too much in the world for a man to hang onto.”

“Become war or live in horror.”

“But he knew just the same that fascism was twenty times as deadly as war, for the simple reason that it destroyed all sense of reason.”

“You couldn’t look around you, everywhere was something to be feared.”

“How do you know what a man’s mind is like? You can’t touch it, see it, or hear it… you can only read what the man writes and hear what he says.”

“Nobody understands how nothing — how much — you can get for your money until you get some.”

“But what a wonderful thing it is to stumble into a book and find something that makes you stop and say, ‘Hell, here it is…’ something that snatches the world right away from you…”

“And now that he was dead, what good was it… to regret that he had ever been born?”

“He couldn’t picture himself dying now. It didn’t seem real because he had already done it; he’d died from the mother of all hangovers.”

“The most amazing trick man ever pulled was the one where he fell asleep in his own bed and woke up in the jungle.”

“There are no answers. Only questions.” FAMOUS FORTNITE QUOTES

“The aim of the proletarian revolution is to free man of the government, that is, of external rule.”

“But you got to remember he wasn’t always this way. He had ambitions. He was a natural born thrower-awayer. He threw away better jobs than this one, money he needed because he was having a kid.”

“He asked the woeful gnarled nightmare of a face looking back at him from a foot away… ‘What do you want to do? ‘What do you want to be?’ ‘What do you want?’ ”

“He felt his stomach fill with a sharp bright steady gleam of excitement and he felt like a kid at Christmas.”

“How could you tell an enemy when he doesn’t shoot?”

“And then something in him died. Like a man stepping back from staring into the abyss.”

“The biggest mistake you can make is to be afraid to make one.”

“Somewhere deep inside him something went soft and weak and that was the last thing he wanted to be.”

“I never for a moment forget that I stand here as a representative of the working-class, and that I am not entitled to defend merely individual interests, but the interests and the happiness of the whole working-class. I believe that the struggle in which I am now engaged will bring happiness for them and me.”

“Who wants to see a soldier in an army of robots? A robot army isn’t worth anything. People are the backbone of an army.”

“Life’s a long dirty game, but regardless of how you look at it life’s a game, and victory of any kind, small or big, depends on the victor’s ability to respect that game.”