“I am José Mourinho and I don’t change.”

“I am the special one.”

“I think I am more difficult to beat than ever.”

“Please don’t call me arrogant, but I’m European champion and I think I’m a special one.”

“If I have something to say, I will say it to your face.”

“I am a special one, not the special one.”

“I don’t like to speak about my opponents but I’m getting more experienced in these things of how to hide your real intentions.”

“I try to be a gentleman.”

“I celebrate when I win, but I’m not obsessed.”

“I prefer a short but intense career with joy and happiness.”

“I never forget players who betray me, but it’s a mistake to keep them close.”

“Players react differently to criticism. Some players don’t like it if you show them their mistakes.”

“I’m not a politician. I am a football coach.”

“The best player is the one who understands exactly what you want.”

“I will be a coach until I die.” POSITIVE QUOTES FOR A FRIEND IN NEED

“When we win, I forget the next day. When we lose, I don’t forget.”

“I don’t celebrate goals as I used to. I leave that to the fans.”

“I am a humble guy when I am a great winner.”

“Players don’t do things just because I ask them to; they do them because they also want to.”

“I am only 51 years old and I don’t believe that it’s normal that I can do this for another 20 years.”

“I think the best way to win is to score one more goal than the opponent.”

“I don’t think I have ever been totally happy with a performance.”

“The only way to get through a difficult period is to work.”

“I am very confident in my methods.”

“I think that tomorrow is the day that I will have my own statue at home.”

“If you train 11 players, then each player represents 9% of the responsibility.”

“I don’t think about my role, my strategy, my philosophy, or my methods. I think about winning.”

“I don’t want to win the Europa League. I want to win the Champions League.”

“It’s easy to be a bad coach when you run out of ideas.”