“Beauty fades, but dumb is forever.”

“Just because you’re pretty doesn’t mean you’re not an idiot.”

“It’s not about how you look, it’s about how you act.”

“Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes straight to the bone.”

“You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.”

“True beauty lies in intelligence and character.”

“You can’t judge a book by its cover, but you can tell a lot about a person by their stupidity.”

“A beautiful face means nothing if there’s an empty mind behind it.”

“Being beautiful doesn’t make you immune to stupidity.”

“Don’t rely on your looks, rely on your brain.”

“Beauty is fleeting, but stupidity is forever.”

“There’s no amount of makeup that can cover up a lack of intelligence.”

“Beauty without brains is like a Ferrari without an engine.” FAMOUS QUOTES OF JANE AUSTEN

“Beauty is only appealing until you open your mouth and stupidity spills out.”

“A pretty face doesn’t exempt you from making dumb decisions.”

“The most attractive people are the ones who are smart enough not to rely on their looks.”

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but intelligence is universally admired.”

“Looks can be deceiving, but dumb is always obvious.”

“Beauty may get you attention, but it won’t get you respect.”

“A beautiful exterior may attract, but it’s the inner qualities that make someone truly attractive.”

“Being smart is always more attractive than being pretty.”

“Don’t underestimate someone’s intelligence based on their appearance.”

“You can’t fix dumb with makeup.”

“Beauty may be appealing, but intelligence is empowering.”