“Hi, it’s nice to meet you!”

“Hello, I hope you’re having a great day.”

“Hey there, I wanted to say hi and see how you’re doing.”

“Hi! I hope this message brings a smile to your face.”

“Hello from the other side, just dropping by to say hi!”

“Hi, I just wanted to take a moment to say hi and let you know you’re on my mind.”

“Hey, I thought of you today and wanted to say hi.”

“Hi there! I hope you’re doing well and wanted to send some positive vibes your way.”

“Sending warm greetings your way! Hi!”

“Hello, I wanted to reach out and say hi because you’ve been on my mind.”

“Hi, I hope this message finds you in good spirits!”

“Hey there, I wanted to send a quick hello and let you know I’m thinking of you.”

“Hi, just dropping by to remind you that you’re amazing!”

“Hello, I hope this message brings a little sunshine to your day. Hi!” FUNNY FRIENDSHIP QUOTES FROM BOOKS

“Hi there! Sending virtual hugs and good vibes your way.”

“Hey, I wanted to say hi and let you know that you are truly appreciated.”

“Hi, just a friendly reminder that you’re doing great. Keep shining!”

“Hello! I hope you’re having a fantastic day. Just wanted to say hi!”

“Hi there, I thought of you and wanted to send a friendly hello your way.”

“Hey! Wanted to let you know that you matter, and I’m sending positive vibes your way. Hi!”

“Hi, I know we haven’t talked in a while, but I hope you’re doing well.”

“Hello, just wanted to drop in and say hi! Let’s catch up soon.”

“Hi there! Just wanted to send a little hello and remind you how amazing you are.”

“Hey, I hope this message brings a smile to your face. Hi!”

“Hi, I hope you’re having a great day. Just wanted to say hi and let you know you’re on my mind.”

“Hello from my side of the world! Sending warm hellos your way. Hi!”